Friday, February 12, 2010

A Multiplying Movement

I recently received a You Tube video from a friend that shows a great picture of how a movement gets started. You've got to watch this clip! This is how the Church ought to work.

Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ came to earth to do two things. First, he came to make the redemption of mankind possible. His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead make it possible for man to be reconciled to God. Secondly, Jesus came to start a movement of multiplying disciples that would be committed to passing on this message of redemption. Jesus began that movement with only a handful of followers, but that group has multiplied into thousands and thousands of followers.

Today the plan for having a movement of multiplying disciples is on our hands. If we do not pass on to the next generation what has been given to us, the movement ceases to exist! This causes me to wonder if there is really anything more important for the church to be doing other than making disciples? I think not!

I continue to be amazed at how many believers are not making any effort whatsoever to fulfill the priority of multiplying a movement of Christ followers. With good intentions we have churches filled with Christ followers who give no thought at all to doing the very thing Jesus himself came to do...make disciples!

The world needs us to get serious about making disciples. The nations need the church to become a movement of multiplying disciples. Are you willing to be one of the "nuts" that makes a ripple for Christ? Are you willing to start dancing for Jesus until others are dancing as well? I challenge you to live your life as a personal multiplier of disciples. Very few people are willing to do so.


Jackie said...

That is amazing and I love your metaphor for how we should be about Jesus. Ken, I have been attending Crossroads for about two months now and just love your messages and your "teaching style". Each week I come away feeling motivated to become closer to Jesus, and this in turn makes my life sooo much better. Thank you!

Mae Nunn said...

You think maybe that's how the crowd gathered for the sermon on the mount? I bet they were every bit as excited!

RB said...

You know the real leader in all this isn't the nut, but the first guy that went out there with him. Something to think about, eh?