Today is a day to celebrate! Twenty years ago on this very day Crossroads Church of Newnan held her very first service. I wasn't there that day, but I am told there were 178 people in attendance. On March 26, 1989 another local expression of Christ's church was born.
I am told that most new churches don't make it. By the grace of God, Crossroads Church did and only by His grace will she endure.
A day like today cannot pass by without taking the time to reflect on what God has done in this place these past twenty years. He deserves our thanks and reflection. As we celebrate what God has done a few thoughts come to my mind.
First, all the credit goes to God! Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols." Everyone should know that Crossroads Church, blemishes and all, belongs to Jesus Christ and He alone receives glory from her existence. Supporters and critics alike, should praise God that disciples are being made at Crossroads Church. It is about Him.
Secondly, I appreciate very much all of the people who went before us. Someone has said, "those who drink the water must remember who dug the well". God has brought lots of people into this fellowship over the years who have carried shovels. Some have gone home to be with Jesus. Some have been moved away for other reasons. You will always be appreciated for helping make Crossroads Church what she is today. God has used you and He is honored.
Third, I do thank God for all the people who have been committed to this local body of believers. Very few people today stay committed to things for the long haul. People change jobs, changes homes, change spouses, and change churches without much thought these days. Those of you, (you know who you are) who have been faithful to this church the past twenty years are a living praise to God. Thank you for being committed.
The first twenty years of Crossroads Church have been a blast. I thank God I have been given a front row seat to see all that He has done. I will be forever grateful that I was given an opportunity to be apart of such a great church. As excited as I am about the past, I am that much more excited about our future. I can't wait to see what God does as we continue to seek what it means to be and build disciples of Christ. Hold on, the ride is about to get even better!
How AWESOME is our God! Crossroads Church has been a huge blessing to my family. I am so thankful today for the impact this ministry has had on my life.
I can't wait to see what happens in the days ahead!
I am so thankful to God for Crossroads Church! I have been attending church here for about a year and a half, but I also attend a Tuesday night class.
Because of the church offering these classes at no charge, and the leaders for really caring about us, my marriage has been saved!!! It is because of God that my marriage has been saved and family is back together!
Thank you Crossroads!
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