Friday, September 26, 2008

At Least He Tried!

I once heard it said that a person had the words, "At least he tried", carved into his tombstone. I like that idea and in many ways I want the same to be true of me. However, I want a phrase added. I want my tombstone to say, "At least he tried to create a movement of multiplying disciples".

One of my attempts to help create a movement of multiplying disciples of Christ is to put in print some of what I have learned about making disciples. I hope that through the written word others will be inspired, motivated, educated, and encouraged to live a life of multiplying disciples.

With that said, I want to let you know that I have just reviewed the first printed copy of a book I wrote called "Conversations ...about making disciples!" Some very special people have helped me compile some conversations about making disciples that I believe are much needed in the Christian community these days. Just think, when is the last time you saw a new book printed on the topic of "making disciples"? How can so few books be available on the very thing that Jesus came to do?

Please pray with me that this book starts a whole new set of conversations about fulfilling the Great Commission. That is really what the world needs! If you would like to have a copy of this book you can pick one up at Crossroads Church as soon as they are printed or you can order one by e-mailing

1 comment:

Stephanie Jordan said...

Have you thought about starting the (it would be....marvelous!!!) Crossroads Christian Academy??

Just thought it'd be an idea!

Have a great day!

Stephanie Jordan