Easter means two things to me. First,it is a chance to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Secondly, it is one of the best opportunities I'll have all year to invite someone to church.
My opportunity to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually takes place all year long. My chance to invite someone to an Easter service is a once a year opportunity. People are much more likely to attend a church service on Easter weekend than any other time of the year.
This window of opportunity to invite someone to church is too good to pass up. With only a few weeks to Easter I need to be praying and looking for people to invite to church. Once the Easter weekend is gone it will be a whole year before I get this same prime time opportunity.
Acts 2:32 says, "God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact." That verse sums up Easter for me. Because Jesus is risen from the dead, I am a witness. This year let's all take seriously our witness to the fact of the resurrection. Let's fast and pray for God to open doors for inviting people. Let's open our eyes and see the people in our lives that need and invitation. Let's give people an invitation and care enough to ask them to come. That's what Easter is all about.