Monday, May 18, 2009

A Lesson in Disciple Making

This video of the "Raven" is a great lesson in disciple making. Here is a man who started running one day and hasn't stopped yet. He has been running the same eight mile stretch of beach for over thirty years. During that time people from all over the world have come to run with him. He has inspired runners and built a community among runners.

I believe with all my heart that Jesus wants us to make disciples like Raven makes runners. He longs for disciple makers that will simply "go the distance". Christ wants us to run for him and to influence as many people as possible to run for Him as well. That is the purpose of life- to be a disciple and to build more disciples! May we all be "Ravens' for Jesus.

"Jesus said, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:62)

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